The AWS shared responsibility model: What you need to know before migrating to AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of services to businesses and organizations around the world. As part of its commitment to security, AWS has implemented a shared responsibility model that defines the roles and responsibilities of both AWS and its customers in ensuring the security of the AWS environment.

The AWS shared responsibility model is based on the principle that security is a shared responsibility between AWS and its customers. AWS is responsible for securing the underlying infrastructure of its cloud environment, including the physical security of its data centers, network security, and host security. AWS is also responsible for providing security features and services to help customers secure their workloads running in the AWS environment.

Customers, on the other hand, are responsible for securing their own workloads running in the AWS environment. This includes securing the operating systems, applications, and data that they store and process in the AWS environment. Customers are also responsible for configuring and managing their own security settings, such as firewalls and access controls, to protect their workloads from unauthorized access.

The AWS shared responsibility model is divided into two main categories: security “of” the cloud and security “in” the cloud. AWS is responsible for security of the cloud, which includes the physical infrastructure, network infrastructure, and host infrastructure. Customers are responsible for security in the cloud, which includes the security of their own applications, data, and operating systems.

AWS provides a wide range of security features and services to help customers secure their workloads running in the AWS environment. These include access controls, firewalls, encryption, and threat detection and response services. AWS also provides compliance certifications for various regulatory frameworks, including HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and GDPR, to help customers meet their compliance requirements.

In conclusion, the AWS shared responsibility model is an essential part of AWS’s commitment to security. By defining the roles and responsibilities of both AWS and its customers, the model ensures that security is a shared responsibility, and that both parties work together to secure the AWS environment. By providing security features and services, as well as compliance certifications, AWS helps customers to secure their workloads running in the AWS environment, while customers are responsible for securing their own applications, data, and operating systems.